The Fake Clinic Database

Whether explicitly or implicitly, anti-abortion fake clinics oppose abortion, shame abortion care, or promote alternatives to abortion. The Anti-Abortion Fake Clinic Database is a collection of discoverable crisis pregnancy centers in the United States, independently researched and updated by Reproaction.

The ‘Advertises APR’ column refers to promotion of “abortion pill reversal,” an unproven, unethical experiment performed on abortion patients, often without knowledge they are being experimented upon.

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Reproaction does not list anti-abortion maternity homes where people may be housed before giving birth, often as an arrangement before adoption, sometimes exchanging work or other contract terms for housing.

If you use our data, please attribute your findings to Reproaction in the following format: Reproaction Education Fund: Anti-Abortion Fake Clinic Database, accessed [date] from [].

We encourage you to share suggestions, including suggested edits and contributions to enhance the availability of this research, by contacting us.

For more resources on Reproaction campaigns to hold anti-abortion fake clinics accountable – including toolkits, fact sheets, and webinars for activists working in their communities – click here.

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