President of Students for Life Okay With Anti-Abortion Laws That Forced a Woman to Take Ambulance Ride Across State Lines

The true colors of Big 'Pro-Life' are showing.

The latest Supreme Court case on abortion is June Medical Services v. Russo, and it’s showing the true colors of Big ‘Pro-Life.’  Abortion opponents are arguing that abortion providers cannot work in Louisiana without gaining admitting privileges at a nearby hospital: a provision which does not improve patient health nor safety and would bar many providers from practicing, since they don’t admit enough patients yearly to meet the threshold for hospital admitting privileges.

We asked Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, about another case in Louisiana in which a woman was on a waitlist for a heart transplant and her pregnancy endangered her life. Because of the state’s burdensome abortion restrictions, she had to be transported by ambulance to Texas in order to get the abortion that saved her life. This is unacceptable and should never be a standard of health care. So how did she respond?

  • Hawkins claimed the woman “needed not to be gestating” but stated she could have still given birth, which as explained to Hawkins put the patient’s life at risk.
  • Hawkins touted herself an expert because, in her words: “I speak at medical schools.” She does not hold any qualifications to advise on or provide medical care.
  • Hawkins tried to change the subject to vilify women who smoke and drink while pregnant, putting on full display the deep sexism underpinning ‘pro-life’ ideology.

Students for Life of America is a national anti-abortion organization that claims to be “the nation’s largest youth pro-life group.” They have chapters across the country with a stated goal to “abolish abortion.” The organization’s leadership and student representatives have met with Vice President Mike Pence several times.

Do not allow Big ‘Pro-Life’ to falsely claim they care about health and safety: not when their words, actions, and hateful laws show otherwise. Sign our petition to show you stand with access to abortion care.

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