Tactics for Spreading the Word About Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers
Grassroots actions can be the difference between someone visiting an anti-abortion pregnancy center or not, which is no small feat.
Some leaders are pushing for their own alternative treatment: so-called “restorative reproductive medicine,” an alleged alternative to conventional fertility assistance, which rejects “methods that are inherently suppressive, circumventive, or destructive to natural human functions.”
Grassroots actions can be the difference between someone visiting an anti-abortion pregnancy center or not, which is no small feat.
As doulas reclaim and reshape their role in reproductive health, they challenge the limitations of the traditional medical model by centering empathy, support, and patient autonomy.
Violence and harassment of any kind are unequivocally unacceptable and must be addressed.
Interfering with the freedom to vote shows desperation on the part of abortion opponents.
I stand firm in the truth that abortion and reproductive care is necessary and good. I am happy to stand behind my views. Is Lila willing to stand behind hers?
True empowerment and choice comes from access to accurate, stigma-free medical information, which “abortion pill reversal” certainly is not.
Abortion funds are a crucial help for people seeking abortion care.
Through student community, we can fight for a stake in our reproductive decisions.
Queerness is a continual journey of self-exploration and community-building.
Anti-abortion fake clinics direct their targeting toward the most marginalized including young people, minority communities, and those with limited economic means.