Diaper Banks and Menstrual Product Banks: Hygiene Is A Reproductive Justice Issue
Nearly two-thirds of low-income women living in large American cities report that they have struggled to afford menstrual products in the past year, and more than one in five said they had this problem every month. [1] Diaper need impacts one in three American families, forcing many to choose between diapers for their children and groceries or medicine. [2] People who are incarcerated face unnecessary hurdles when trying to access menstrual products including price gouging for tampons sold at commissaries and substandard free pads. [3]
On our next Act and Learn webinar, Diaper Banks and Menstrual Product Banks: Hygiene Is A Reproductive Justice Issue, you will hear from people taking action to increase access to diapers and menstrual products in their communities.
Panelists include:
- Jessica L. Adams, founder and executive director of St. Louis Area Diaper Bank
- Paula Canny, criminal defense attorney based in California
- Laurie Bertram Roberts, Executive Director at Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund
Hygiene is a reproductive justice issue, and people should not be forced to endure dehumanizing and unsanitary conditions because they are poor.
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-menstruation-usa/even-in-the-u-s-poor-women-often-cant-afford-tampons-pads-idUSKCN1P42TX
- https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/diaper-need-continues-to-impact-1-in-3-us-families-according-to-new-study-by-the-national-diaper-bank-network-and-huggies-300524529.html
- https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2019/02/jail-california-tampons-menstruation-paula-canny-sanitary-pads/