
Direct-Action Training Series

Learn more about direct-action from wherever you are. Whether you are a novice hoping to learn about organizing non-violent direct actions, or a pro looking to hone your skills, this bi-weekly training series has been designed with you in mind. Each session breaks down an aspect of direct-action that helps us comprehend it as a valuable strategy and tactic.

Intersectionality From Theory to Practice

In this training, presenters discuss what intersectionality is, how it is a tool for liberation, and how to incorporate innovative strategies and tactics into your work.

Building Your Base

In this training, presenters discuss relationship building, recruiting and mobilizing activists, and coalition building within movement spaces

Organizing Direct Actions

In this training, presenters will detail how to plan a direct-action. Amongst other things, details include how to choose when an action is warranted, the type of action it should be, and safety and security measures to consider and take.

Action’s Over, Now What?

In this training, presenters will discuss what and how to debrief with participants of an action, using the action as a learning mechanism, and how to get new participants to return, and how you can bring more attention to the action when it’s over.

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