
Abortion Pills in Pharmacies

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By: Jacqueline Hernandez

We’re in 2023, and it’s about time that abortion medication becomes accessible in pharmacies. [1] Although there are several protocols for abortion using medication, having access to mifepristone in your local pharmacy is one less barrier people have to face in order to have an abortion on their own terms, which is something we should all be entitled to. GenBioPro, the maker of Mifepristone, has compiled a list of 20 pharmacies across the United States that are now eligible to provide this necessary drug. [2]  

Looking at the list however, we are missing two of the most well-known pharmacy chains in the United States: CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens. How is it that smaller chains and local pharmacies are able to overcome the onerous, unnecessary clearance and certification needed to dispense this vital medication, but two giant chains have not been able to do so? They have the resources and reach to improve access and have failed to live up to their previous claim that they’d provide these medications, [3, 4] which should be unacceptable for major health care and medication providers with the current state of access being so poor.  

You still have the opportunity to express your opinion: let pharmacy chains know that you WANT abortion pills in their stores by signing this petition today.  

Every one of us deserves access to abortion as a necessary component of our health care. The magic of abortion medication in your local pharmacy – as opposed to dehumanizing, unnecessary barriers – can have such a positive impact on your care experience. We deserve the autonomy to choose the manner, location, and timing for our abortions. The future is abortion wherever you like, whenever you like, and however you like, with safety and personal security assured for all. 

It is imperative that we are guaranteed universal access to an array of abortion choices, including medication abortion and safe, effective methods for self-managed abortion. In the future there must be over-the-counter availability of abortion medication, just like Plan B and soon, just like oral contraceptives, as well. [5] For more info on what that future could look like and who is fighting to make it a reality, check out our webinar Abortion Pills are Coming to Pharmacies.  




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