
| Reproaction

By: Erin Matson

Reproaction launched in 2015 with a simple analysis:

Abortion was losing.

What the mainstream reproductive rights movement was doing wasn’t working.

I’m happy to say our movements have grown bolder during that time.

But, taking a longer view, last night’s confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is a culmination of what happens when, over nearly 50 years:

  • One side stays laser-focused on stacking the Supreme Court to overturn Roe while eviscerating access to abortion in the states
  • Another side shifts from reactive strategy to reactive strategy, with false beliefs that courts, elections, and political allies will save us
To be clear:

Courts matter. Enormously.

Elections matter. Enormously.

But also:

Bold action matters. Enormously.

Regardless of whether it is popular.

This is not a post complaining about Mitch McConnell being brazen.

This is an invitation to you to win. To be brazen to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice.

Someone else can get invited to the meeting.

Someone else can explain how the rules of the game should continue to work.

If you thought that approach was going to work, you wouldn’t still be reading this.

Let’s win.

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