Georgians Won’t Accept Deception Under the Guise of Health Care

| Annie Romano | Reproaction

By showing up, I met a coalition of Georgians from all over the state who, like me, had also grown up in Georgia public schools, with conservative parents, or in religions that oppose abortion, yet we learned to fight for what we believe in anyway, even if it made us different.

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| Kieran Mailman | Reproaction

To My Trans Siblings: Feminism Belongs to You

By co-opting and warping the “feminist” label as a tool to oppress people on the basis of assigned sex at birth, TERFs have attempted to straddle the left and the right, posing as supporters of women’s rights in order to push discrimination against trans and non-binary people.

| Camille Richoux | Reproaction

Reproaction’s Storytelling for Justice Project in Arkansas

Improvements in pregnancy-related health must include those not being cared for adequately by our medical system. Essentially: if you want to understand what’s going wrong with pregnancy in Arkansas, listen to Black women.

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