Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics in Texas

| Jacqueline Hernandez | Reproaction

Anti-abortion fake clinics direct their targeting toward the most marginalized including young people, minority communities, and those with limited economic means.

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| Jessica Ensley | Reproaction

Debunking Conspiracy Beliefs of a ‘Pro-Life’ Priest

As the pandemic hit and election season ramped up in 2020, Frank Pavone, president of the anti-abortion organization Priests for Life, began more loudly showcasing his far-right views.

| Jessica Ensley | Reproaction

Pro-Life Priest’s Personal Pope Trump

Frank Pavone's current moral standards do not seem to come from the Church, but rather his and Trump’s own self-interests.

| Caitlin Blunnie | Reproaction

Supporting a Friend’s Abortion At Home

To celebrate abortion at home, we’re bringing you five tips to support a friend managing their abortion at home

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