Reproaction’s #MyHealthyWisconsin Photo Campaign Shines a Light on Health Priorities in the Badger State

| Reproaction

By: Nataley Neuman

Late last year, Reproaction asked supporters to share what they thought a healthy Wisconsin would look like through the #MyHealthyWisconsin photo campaign. Our goal was for participants to express what a ‘healthy’ Wisconsin would look like, free from reproductive oppression and inequality. We had several submissions, and we’re so grateful to amplify the voices of our activists and supporters.

In 2019, Wisconsin was declared the 23rd healthiest state in the nation with the highest rate of excessive drinking in the country. [1] Among other health concerns, Wisconsin is currently facing a dire infant and maternal mortality crisis [2] and an OB-GYN shortage in rural areas [3], and there are only half a dozen abortion providers remaining [4] amid growing hostility toward abortion care. The #MyHealthyWisconsin campaign was a way for activists to visualize what their state would look like free from reproductive oppression. Participants had a number of different responses, including better access to quality reproductive care and curbing rural health care shortages.

Because this campaign was so well received, we have decided to continue to give our supporters an opportunity to submit their vision for #MyHealthyWisconsin! If you would like to participate, please submit your vision for a healthy Wisconsin and a photo of yourself here.

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