
How Do We Move from Defense to Offense?


The reproductive rights movement is losing. At the first monthly Reproaction Act and Learn webinar, activists and advocates spoke frankly about what we can do to shift the frame from “stopping the attacks” or accepting “compromises” to demanding human rights and dignity for all people. We explored what direct action looks like, and how we might use it to bring about a change in direction. Finally, we provided an overview of how you can take action to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice.

Featuring these guest panelists:

  • Aimee Arrambide, reproductive justice advocate and Reproaction Advisory Council member
  • Lily Bolourian, feminist, reproductive justice, and racial justice organizer
  • Jennicet Gutiérrez, LGBTQ and transgender immigrant rights activist and heckler of President Obama during LGBT Pride Month celebration at the White House
  • Jodi Jacobson, President and Editor-in-Chief of RH Reality Check
  • Cherisse Scott, Founder and CEO of SisterReach and Reproaction Advisory Council member (by advance remarks)
  • Monica Simpson, Executive Director of SisterSong and participant in #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHerName action at Netroots Nation

If you want to get involved with Reproaction in your community, you won’t want to miss this one.

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