Tactics for Spreading the Word About Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers

Anti-abortion pregnancy centers pour money into deception campaigns that spread harmful disinformation, but holding them accountable for that can be tricky, as the Supreme Court has sided with them previously to overturn law containing content-based speech requirements. Fortunately, advocates for fact-based reproductive care are finding new ways to press ahead, and in several states last year, public awareness campaigns popped up to warn people about the risks associated with visiting anti-abortion pregnancy centers.
Anti-abortion pregnancy centers, also known as crisis pregnancy centers, advertise free services such as pregnancy tests or ultrasounds to recruit clientele. They may or may not provide legitimate medical services or employ licensed medical professionals. They serve as the on-the-ground propagandists of anti-abortion organizations, often using deception and spreading disinformation to dissuade people from having abortions. Sadly, these anti-abortion pregnancy centers exist all over the country – even where abortion is protected by law. Luckily one state where abortion remains legal, Massachusetts, has been fighting back against anti-abortion pregnancy centers through a public awareness campaign.
The campaign is both virtual and in-person, with ads on social media, billboards, radio, and transit. Ads from the campaign feature sayings like, “Avoid anti-abortion centers. They might look like medical clinics but can put your health at risk,” or “They might look like medical clinics — but try to limit your options if you’re pregnant.” Running in both English and Spanish, the public awareness campaign is a collaboration between the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the organization Reproductive Equity Now. It is the first state-funded public awareness campaign against anti-abortion pregnancy centers in the nation, but hopefully not the last.
Living in an abortion-restricted state myself, I know state-funded campaigns against anti-abortion pregnancy centers like the one in Massachusetts can be difficult to replicate. It took a $1 million state budget allocation in Massachusetts and the support of their Department of Public Health to get this campaign off the ground, which would obviously be a lot harder to ask for in states where anti-abortion pregnancy centers are viewed favorably or even funded with public dollars. Then there’s the legal challenges: anti-abortion groups in Massachusetts filed a lawsuit against those involved with the campaign, including the governor. Though the outcome of the lawsuit remains to be seen, Massachusetts officials are fighting back because they believe the public has the right to know about the lack of comprehensive reproductive health care at anti-abortion pregnancy centers. Regardless of what challenges come our way, the importance of spreading the word about anti-abortion pregnancy centers remains — whether that’s at the state level or grassroots.
In addition to Massachusetts’ anti-abortion pregnancy center public awareness campaign, other amazing efforts to educate everyday people about anti-abortion pregnancy centers have been underway. In Atlanta, Amplify Georgia Collaborative hosted street interviews asking people about anti-abortion pregnancy centers as part of their “Fake Clinics Suck” campaign. In Chicago, Reproductive Transparency Now hosted the “The Worst Festival of All Time,” a music festival-themed campaign to educate people about anti-abortion pregnancy centers. Grassroots actions like these can be the difference between someone visiting an anti-abortion pregnancy center or not, which is no small feat.
Actions like these prove that fighting back against the monolith of anti-abortion pregnancy centers requires smart local action that starts conversations. Reproaction would love to help you organize your own action against anti-abortion pregnancy centers. Check out our new Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Center Toolkit for ideas and skill-shares to help you fight back, and our newly revamped Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Center Database for up-to-date information about anti-abortion pregnancy centers near you.