
The Pope has Arrived. Here’s What Reproaction Supporters Want Him to Know!

| Reproaction

By: Pamela Merritt

Pope Francis has arrived in America. During his visit, the Pontiff will address a joint session of the United States Congress and the United Nations. Pope Francis has drawn both praise and criticism for challenging the world to step up and take action on immigration reform, climate change and poverty. But this sometimes progressive Pope has also alarmed many through his dehumanizing comments about transgender people, rejection of LGBT families and women’s ordination, and his support of regressive policies regarding reproductive healthcare and abortion rights. 

We invited people to send Pope Francis a message. What would people like Pope Francis to know, wish he would take a stand on, want him to understand or appreciate?

Here’s some of what attendees at Netroots Nation 2015 want Pope Francis to know. You can see more NN15 messages here.

I’m Catholic & pro-choice. Get the Vatican out of my uterus.

I’m Catholic & pro-choice. Get the Vatican out of my uterus.

“Women don’t need forgiveness for what they do with their own bodies.”

Reproaction supporters shared messages through our #HeyPopeFrancis online campaign. We hope you will follow #HeyPopeFrancis on Twitter as we share more messages, and join the conversation.

Pope Francis – please stand with the black lives matter movement in the US and the horrible violence happening to transgender people all over the world. Your advocacy could save lives and show that racial justice and equitable treatment are the true doctrines of The Church.
Alexandra – Bowling Green, Ohio

Erin Matson says it perfectly: “A woman who has had an abortion has done nothing wrong. She doesn’t need to apologize, and she certainly doesn’t need to apologize to a man representing an institution that denies her equality.”
Virginia – Lubbock, Texas

And Erin Matson, Reproaction co-founder and co-director, responded to the Pope’s recent announcement of a limited-time offer just for women who have abortions.

Rather than a call to confession about abortion, it would be far more redemptive for Pope Francis to call for a new dialogue within the Catholic Church about gender equality that would elevate the voices of a diverse group of women—including women who have had abortions, women who aren’t sorry about their abortions, and, oh yeah, women priests. That would represent major progress too.
Erin Matson, It’s Pope Francis Who Should Apologize on Abortion – RH RealityCheck

Reproaction would like to thank all participants in the #HeyPopeFrancis campaign for speaking their truth and sharing their hopes and concerns with Pope Francis.

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