
Webinar Recap: Movement Building Discussion Series

| Reproaction

By: Evonnia Woods

We work diligently at Reproaction to ensure we are incorporating leadership diversity, centering the most marginalized, and coalition building. These are core components of our intersectional approach, which is vital to movement building. Our commitment to these principles is reflected in the compilation of this movement building discussion series. Leading activists from across the country came together to discuss how they engage with principles of intersectionality in their justice work by sharing their ideas and practices on how to work toward developing more inclusive spaces and policies. Evonnia Woods, the Senior Outreach Producer at Reproaction, served as the moderator for each panel. If you were unable to attend live then all is not lost because recordings of each panel are available for viewing here.

On September 7, panelists – Erin Matson, Co-founder and Executive Director of Reproaction; and Sarah Parr, Operation’s Director at the Abortion Care Network spoke about the importance of leadership diversity.

On September 23, panelists – Shireen Shakouri, Deputy Director of Reproaction; Lora Gulley, Director of Community Mobilization and Advocacy at Generate Health STL; Nzingha Hall, Manager of Youth & Source Leadership Programs at SisterLove; and Tanika Sullivan, a Black Treatment Advocates Network member in Kansas City, MO (BTAN-KC) spoke about their experiences with centering the most marginalized in their work.

On October 7, panelists – Tenaja Henson, North Carolina Campaign Coordinator at Reproaction; Tim Williams, Outreach and Advocacy Manager at Missouri Family Health Council; and Diane Burkholder; a consultant and organizer based in Southern California discussed the ins and outs of starting and leading coalitions.

Again, each of these panel discussions can be viewed here.

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