Georgians Won’t Accept Deception Under the Guise of Health Care

| Annie Romano | Reproaction

By showing up, I met a coalition of Georgians from all over the state who, like me, had also grown up in Georgia public schools, with conservative parents, or in religions that oppose abortion, yet we learned to fight for what we believe in anyway, even if it made us different.

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| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

A Summer of Direct Action in Missouri

This summer, Reproaction activists in Missouri were busy taking direct action to advance reproductive justice and increase access to abortion.

| Caitlin Blunnie | Reproaction

Storytelling to Advance Reproductive Justice in Northern Virginia

Reproaction is proud to be spearheading this work in partnership with NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia and the Falls Church Healthcare Center in Northern Virginia. We are also thankful for the support from Shout Your Abortion, which provided us with tips and materials for this event.

| Nataley Neuman | Reproaction

Wisconsin Act 292’s Dark History

Although the state’s public health and children and family services agencies did not support the law when it passed in1997 [9], Act 292 had the support of anti-abortion activists and organizations. The law continues to have the support of anti-abortion activists, politicians, and organizations to this day.

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