Georgians Won’t Accept Deception Under the Guise of Health Care

| Annie Romano | Reproaction

By showing up, I met a coalition of Georgians from all over the state who, like me, had also grown up in Georgia public schools, with conservative parents, or in religions that oppose abortion, yet we learned to fight for what we believe in anyway, even if it made us different.

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| Kylie Cheung | Reproaction

The Scripted Deception Surrounding the 'Unplanned' Film

In today’s polarized landscape surrounding reproductive rights issues, the stigma, lies, and calls to anti-abortion action surrounding Unplanned is a safety hazard to communities, including abortion providers and their staff.

| Jessica Ensley | Reproaction

Reproaction Protests the 2019 Susan B. Anthony List Gala

Over 20 activists attended our action, and several people walking by also joined in and stopped to take photos with our Stop Prosecuting Abortion signs to show their support. We even had volunteers who brought a maraca and a drum to help drown out the ‘pro-life’ hypocrisy.

| Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

Meghan McCain and How The Anti-Abortion Far Right Cloaks Patriarchy with White Women’s Voices

But make no mistake: the scourge of dangerous anti-abortion rhetoric has real victims, and they’re trapped behind the gleaming, seemingly benevolent smiles and sympathy-invoking tears of white women willing to sell out each other and women of color in an attempt to be more powerful in a system that will never give them the power of white men.

| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

Reproaction’s Maternal and Infant Mortality Campaign Uplifts Midwives and Doulas

On average, Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women, regardless of wealth or education; Black babies are twice as likely to die in their first year of life than white babies. Missouri’s average maternal and infant mortality rates are on par with this national average.

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