Georgians Won’t Accept Deception Under the Guise of Health Care

| Annie Romano | Reproaction

By showing up, I met a coalition of Georgians from all over the state who, like me, had also grown up in Georgia public schools, with conservative parents, or in religions that oppose abortion, yet we learned to fight for what we believe in anyway, even if it made us different.

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| Jacqueline Hernandez | Reproaction

Abortion Pills in Pharmacies

We’re in 2023, and it's about time that abortion medication becomes accessible in pharmacies.

| Laila Salaam | Reproaction

There is No Reasonable Abortion Ban

We know that abortion bans are largely unpopular with voters and are not supported by the majority of Americans.

| Laila Salaam | Reproaction

Taking On Abortion Stigma

Abortion stigma alone is one of the biggest barriers to high quality, safe abortion care.

| Laila Salaam | Reproaction

FAQs About Self-Managed Abortion

The World Health Organization (WHO) protocol for self-managed abortion with pills includes instructions for vaginal as well as oral administration of the medications.

| Laila Salaam | Reproaction

Taking Action 1 Year After Dobbs

We believe in a future where comprehensive and accessible abortion access is not only protected but guaranteed at a federal level.

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