Three Things to Do if You’re Angry About Attacks on Abortion Access
Here are some ways you can take action.
By showing up, I met a coalition of Georgians from all over the state who, like me, had also grown up in Georgia public schools, with conservative parents, or in religions that oppose abortion, yet we learned to fight for what we believe in anyway, even if it made us different.
Here are some ways you can take action.
Randolph County, North Carolina became the fourth in the state to pass a resolution declaring itself an anti-abortion “sanctuary” within county limits. Resolutions like these are toothless.
The mission of anti-abortion fake clinics is to use disinformation about abortion, religion, and reproductive health to manipulate and coerce pregnant people.
First Amendment protections apply to governmental overreach, not private companies like Google and Facebook.
Abortion is healthcare. And what it comes down to, it is nobody’s fucking business what we choose to do with our bodies.
Care Net is an anti-abortion fake clinic chain with locations across North America. They use religious manipulation and disinformation to coerce and dissuade pregnant people from getting abortions.
"I share my abortion story because I want to normalize the experience of having an abortion."
They're sometimes known as "crisis pregnancy centers", “CPCs,” "pregnancy help centers", "pregnancy resource centers", and "pregnancy medical clinics"
The courts are not the only tool we have to beat back against the plague of anti-abortion fake clinics.