Georgians Won’t Accept Deception Under the Guise of Health Care

| Annie Romano | Reproaction

By showing up, I met a coalition of Georgians from all over the state who, like me, had also grown up in Georgia public schools, with conservative parents, or in religions that oppose abortion, yet we learned to fight for what we believe in anyway, even if it made us different.

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| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

Activist Interview: Monica Everett

I believe in greater access to health care that makes sense to each person. The fertility awareness method is what I choose for myself, but I believe in people getting access to whatever contraception option that fits them.

| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

Activist Interview: Sharell Collins

Overall, I want people to know what is going on with social justice issues and be more knowledgeable about their health and wellness.

| Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

How to Spot a Fake Clinic

Anti-abortion fake clinics will keep up their slimy tactics and trickery because they don’t care about pregnant people, nor about the fetuses they claim to adore.

| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

Myth-Busting to Address Racial Health Disparities

Racial health disparities cannot be addressed without addressing the myths that inform and guide the behavior of health care professionals and people seeking health care.

| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

The Anti-Abortion Movement is Anti-Democracy

The anti-abortion movement must continue to be exposed for what it is: foot soldiers behind an agenda that cannot be accomplished in a democracy or without bloodshed.

| Erin Matson | Reproaction

Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics Are Afraid

I recently received an email from a public relations firm representing an anti-abortion fake clinic asking to be removed from our Fake Clinic Database. My answer? No.

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