Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics in Texas

| Jacqueline Hernandez | Reproaction

Anti-abortion fake clinics direct their targeting toward the most marginalized including young people, minority communities, and those with limited economic means.

All Hold Fake Clinics Accountable Articles

| Caitlin Blunnie | Reproaction

Reproaction Raises Awareness Around Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics in Virginia

On Friday, January 19, Reproaction, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia and the Virginia Latina Advocacy Network hosted a screening of the documentary “12th and Delaware.” The film follows an abortion clinic in Florida, and the crisis pregnancy center (CPC) across the street. In the film, staff at the CPC give an inside glimpse into the tactics these anti-abortion fake clinics commonly use to try to dissuade pregnant people from seeking abortions. The film also centers the abortion clinic, and the patients caught in the crosshairs of a charged political fight.

| Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

Real Alternatives or Real B.S.?

They’d probably describe you as pre-pregnant, as we know the goal of many “pro-lifers” is to make sure all sex has the consequence of conception and all women become mothers.

| Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

Human Coalition: The Frankenstein Monster of CPCs

Human Coalition doesn’t care much about reaching people who are actually looking for help, they want to pull in women who specifically don’t want what they’re providing.

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