Reproaction Protests the 2019 Susan B. Anthony List Gala

Every year, the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) uses its annual gala to allow top donors in the pro-life movement to mingle with prominent ‘pro-life’ politicians. The president of Susan B. Anthony List, Marjorie Dannenfelser, who once purported to be in the ‘anyone but Trump’ camp during the last presidential campaign has since changed her tune and in 2018 had President Trump speak at the gala.
Recently, Reproaction released a video in which attendees at the 2018 SBA List gala were asked what they thought about women going to jail for having abortions. You can see their concerning responses, or lack thereof, here. This year, we held the group accountable for its supporters’ statements by calling out the role they have played in the increased criminalization of abortion.
Over 20 activists attended our action, and several people walking by also joined in and stopped to take photos with our Stop Prosecuting Abortion signs to show their support. We even had volunteers who brought a maraca and a drum to help drown out the ‘pro-life’ hypocrisy.
Some anti-abortion attendees that night didn’t take seriously the very disturbing reality of pregnant people going to jail for having abortions. A couple of likely attendees approached us to argue, president of Students for Life Kristan Hawkins condescendingly waved at us, and some even went so far as to take photos in front of our Stop Prosecuting Abortion signs while smiling with SBA List’s National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus Coordinator Sue Swayze standing nearby.

We won’t stand by as members of the ‘pro-life’ camp mock the prosecution of people who self-manage abortion in this country. We demand an end to the criminalization of abortion, and hope you join us in taking action.