Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics in Texas

| Jacqueline Hernandez | Reproaction

Anti-abortion fake clinics direct their targeting toward the most marginalized including young people, minority communities, and those with limited economic means.

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| Laila Salaam | Reproaction

Young D.C. Residents Are in the Fight for Reproductive Justice

The students were surprised to learn about legal restrictions to abortion access in D.C., which is widely considered an abortion safe haven, but has been victimized by conservative meddling and racist control of the District’s government.

| Jessica Ensley | Reproaction

Protecting Your Data Online

Reproaction has insured that your data will not be shared with Big Tech companies such as Meta or Google when you use our website.

| Evonnia Woods | Reproaction

Activist Interview: Sapphire Garcia-Lies

"The bigger your work, the bigger your fire has to be for the work, so that you keep focused and have enough strength to keep going."

| Kieran Mailman |

No, Students for Life. Abortion Does Not Cause Pollution. Please Stop Lying.

Decades of corporate greed have caused real, verifiable harm to the environment; attempting to shift the blame from the negligent corporations responsible for this damage to individuals and prescribers makes it clear that Students for Life’s concern isn’t the environment, but their own violent agenda.

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