Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics in Texas

| Jacqueline Hernandez | Reproaction

Anti-abortion fake clinics direct their targeting toward the most marginalized including young people, minority communities, and those with limited economic means.

All #BadFaithMedicine Articles

| Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

Who is Surprised a Fake Clinic Operator Is Misrepresenting Feminism, Too?

They've said it countless times, both in efforts to diminish the work of early feminists and to bolster an argument for “pro-life feminism,” which isn’t even a thing. But recent comments made by the President of Human Coalition – a chain of anti-abortion fake clinics – struck a nerve.

| Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

Fake Clinics Play the Long Game by Targeting Schoolchildren

It is hard to believe that Pennsylvania public schools not only allow but are paying groups like Human Coalition to come in and push their skewed views of sexuality. But what does this “education” actually entail?

| Cinnamon Williams and Shireen Shakouri | Reproaction

“Abortion Pill Reversal” Myths and Unethical Medical Experimentation

When women say “yes” to abortion pill reversal, what exactly are they saying yes to? And why don’t the abortion opponents who operate fake clinics tell the women that they are essentially serving as test subjects?

| Cinnamon Williams | Reproaction

“Abortion Pill Reversal” Myths & Emotional Injustice

The false and misleading science is a huge problem. Just as insidious, though, is the emotional injustice and manipulation that women experience because of campaigns similar to this one.   

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